Video Premiere: Freekbass "Why Do I (Keep Falling In Love With You)?" April 28, 2021 07:57
Press release via Freekbass
Freekbass and Sky White release a video for their new single, "Why Do I (Keep Falling In Love With You)?", streaming now. Scroll to the end of article to watch the world premiere of the video today.
Freekbass had just gotten a new Rickenbacker bass, and to get the classic Rick-tone, he used a pick to create the driving bassline on this recording, a first for Freekbass. Once the groove was created, he called on Sky White, his bandmate, and simultaneous-member of Fozy Shazam, who added synth and piano. White wrote and recorded the lyrics, choosing the MXR Talkbox for the vocal treatment. Freek then added vocoder for additional vocals on top of White's parts, for a syn-thany of layers.
"Why Do I (Keep Falling in Love With You)? is about giving away parts of yourself until nothing is left," White explains about the lyrics. "We explore that by presenting the lyrics through Talkbox and vocoder to come off as not quite human." The resulting sound has the feel of a love-sick robot, which was also the inspiration for the music video.
"The video concept is simple. Lonely astronaut-robots, looking for love," Freek says. "The iphone-mouth-over thing was Angie, the director's idea, and super clever, I thought. It really worked well with the track and will be a cool time capsule-thing one day, when we no longer carry around phones and just use the implanted microchips in our retina's."
And while playing with a pick was one milestone for Freek, a face-to-face video shoot represented another. "After over a year of long-distance creating, it was so nice to shoot this video with Sky and I being in the same room. Since we are both vaccinated, we were like - Hey?! Come on over! Let's do this!"
"I think this is the first track I've ever recorded Talkbox on, too," said White. While he was familiar with using Talkbox for live shows, he has never used it in the studio.
Watch the premiere of "Why Do I (Keep Falling In Love With You)?' here: